1.Ji Sung: But I want to be able to see the whole picture right now too, so I don't know if I lack the skills to do so but I can't do it.
2.In my point of view, homework is an indispensable method to help children study, but it is only part of the whole picture.
3.Things are fluid and Brian will be able to work his way into the whole picture.
4.It provides you with a whole picture of your instances and databases, and allows you to perform most database operations in DB2.
5.Look always at the whole picture, rather than paying attention only to the surface or parts of it.
6.Kanban though is only one of the tools used for creating a Continuous Flow environment, but it's not the whole picture.
7.Until you understand the complexity of this whole picture, to say, 'What am I to do with regard to a particular fragment?
8.The same is true with living a balanced life. Don't just do what somebody else tells you to do, unless you know the whole picture.
9.Thus, as with a real jigsaw, areas get progressively filled in until the whole picture is finally complete.
10.The main gene involved, the tumour suppressor VHL, is mutated in eight out of 10 patients, but is not the whole picture.